
This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and follows its eligibility requirements. This program is free to dedicated high school students who meet the following criteria:
- Students from North or Camelback High Schools recruited as freshmen or sophomores.
- Must be a first generation college student (parent/guardian has not attained a four-year college degree), or meet low income requirements (defined by the federal government standards).
- Be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
- Be a student in need of academic support in high school and have the potential for academic success in college.
- Be between the ages of 13-19.

Program Benefits
Once accepted into this program, you will receive benefits including:
- Individual advisement sessions to create a personalized success plan.
- After school tutoring and enrichment sessions twice a week at the high school.
- Career exploration and personal enrichment workshops.
- Financial aid and scholarship information.
- Participation in cultural, social, and career-oriented field trips.
- Assistance in improving academic skills through classes in math, science, English, and foreign language during the six-week summer program on campus.
- Assistance with college entrance requirements.
- Earn stipends during the academic year ($40 month) and summer program ($60).