Become a Student


We are excited that you are choosing GateWay Community College to pursue your education and training. Please follow the steps below, depending on the types of classes you are interested in.


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Degree and certificate programs to choose from. 

Choose Your Path

Tour Your Campus

Tour Your Campus

Discover GateWay

Take a tour of campus virtually or in person!

Start Exploring

Get Started

Additional Resources

Information Sessions

Ready to learn more? Use our Virtual Information Sessions to learn more about your program, our campus, and services.

Attend a Session

Academic Advising

Our Academic and Career Advisors can help you to make a plan to reach your academic and career goals. Advisors help you reevaluate your plans and check your progress in this ongoing process.

Meet with an Advisor

Testing Center

The Student Testing and Essential Skills Center provides academic and vocational testing to help students accomplish their educational goals.

Schedule a Test

Admissions and Records

Admissions and Records does more than just process your student application for admission to GateWay, they can also assist you in registering for classes, paying tuition, and obtaining records.

Admissions and Records

HLC Student Guide

The HLC and external experts have identified questions to help students be more informed, to think about what they should ask before, during, and after college. The intent of Ask the Right Questions: A Student Guide to Higher Education is to give students and others a roadmap to the choices available within higher education.

This resource was developed through collaboration with several higher education organizations that work directly with students. In addition, HLC conducted focus groups and received feedback from high school students, student veterans, and adult learners.