Executive Function Coaching

What is Executive Function?

Executive function is a set of cognitive processes that involve the brain’s ability to plan, focus, and control impulses.  

These areas of executive function: 

  • Inhibitory Control (self-regulation)
  • Working Memory (ability to recall)
  • Cognitive Flexibility (problem-solving)

combine to affect a variety of skills including Time Management, Planning, Organization, Testing, etc.

On the surface, executive function challenges can be difficult to distinguish from poor student behaviors, such as laziness, procrastination, lack of effort, etc., when in fact many neurodivergent students are trying harder with less results than their neurotypical peers.  

Some signs a student may be struggling with executive function include:

  • Difficulty starting or completing tasks
  • Difficulty prioritizing tasks
  • Forgetting what was just heard or read
  • Difficulty following directions or a sequence of steps
  • Panic when rules or routines change
  • Difficulty switching focus from one task to another
  • Getting overly emotional and fixating on things
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts

What is Executive Function Coaching?

By addressing executive function challenges instead of relying on traditional study skills, we reinforce the notion that the student hasn’t failed but rather the systems they are using have failed.  

Executive function coaching can help students with:

  • Planning: Organizing, Prioritizing, & Activating Work
  • Monitoring: Adjusting & Regulating Behavior
  • Performance: Focusing & Shifting Attention to Tasks
  • Pacing: Regulating & Sustaining Energy
  • Sense-Making: Utilizing Working Memory & Accessing Recall
  • Self-Care: Managing Frustration & Modulating Emotions

To schedule Executive Function Coaching, please email lctutoring@gatewaycc.edu.