Request for Special Circumstance Review

More Information

The Student Aid Index (SAI) measures your family's financial situation and helps determine your eligibility for need-based aid each academic year. You received an SAI based on the information provided on your FAFSA application, and an award package will be determined using this SAI. 

The 2024-2025 FAFSA (for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025) uses information from the 2022 tax year to determine your SAI. However, you may appeal if your income or circumstances in 2024 or 2025 differ significantly from those reported in 2022. If the income information/circumstances on your FAFSA have changed considerably since the time you filed, you may submit a request for a review of your reduced income. The review, if approved, will re-calculate your SAI using more current income information. 

Note for families with a negative to zero SAI: If your SAI is zero or negative, you are already eligible for the maximum need-based aid, and submitting this form will not increase your aid.

Reviewable Circumstances May Include (but are not limited to):
  • Loss of job or reduction in income (i.e., work, child support, etc.)
  • Loss or reduction in one-time income
  • Tuition payments for Elementary, Junior High, or High School
  • High medical or Dental expenses not covered by the insurance
  • Death of spouse or parent
  • Change in Marital Status (only if it changes your FAFSA dependency status)
Additional Details to Consider:
  • If your Student Aid Index (SAI) is -1500 to Zero ‘0,’ you have already received the maximum financial aid we can offer you. Therefore, no adjustments can be made to your FAFSA to enable you to receive additional funds.
  • An approved Special Circumstances Review does not guarantee additional financial aid. This could happen if you already have a bachelor’s degree (BA/BS) or your situation does not reduce your SAI enough to be within the range of eligibility for other federal grants, institutional grants, and/or scholarships.
  • Review Requests may take more time than other processes in our office. We ask that you remain understanding and patient while we give your submission our fullest attention. We understand this can be stressful, but please be reassured that once the Review is complete, you will be contacted regardless of the outcome. All communication will be through your official Student Email.
  • Only complete forms or supporting documentation will ensure your review is timely. We take every review request seriously and will give it our full attention to ensure a thorough and fair assessment of your circumstances.
Required Supporting Documentation:
  • A signed detailed explanation of the circumstances that led to your income reduction or affected your household income. Be sure to include specific dates (Month/Year) and information on your current situation. If your hours were reduced, please include the number of hours you currently work weekly. Specify if you are receiving any types of benefits or assistance, and be sure to include documentation.
    • If you have no income, you must explain how your expenses are paid (including amounts paid on your behalf).
  • A signed copy of your 2022 Federal Tax Return (1040 form and all Schedules)
  • 2022 W-2’s and/or Schedule C/C-EZ if Self-Employed*
  • Signed letter from the previous employer (on company/business letterhead) indicating start and end dates of employment
  • If reporting Income Reduction: Copy of 2 most recent pay stubs showing YTD earnings from ALL employers in 2024 (and 2025, if submitting the request after January 1, 2025) *
  • If reporting job loss/termination of employment, proof (or denial) of unemployment benefits from DES; if not receiving benefits, you must explain why
  • Loss or reduction of income or benefit
  • Tuition Payments for Elementary, Junior High or High School**
  • If reporting a Marital status change, Appropriate court documentation indicating the date of separation or divorce
  • Note: this will only be approved if it results in a change in dependency status on FAFSA
  • If reporting the death of a Spouse or Parent, A copy of the death certificate
  • If Reporting Medical Expenses NOT paid by insurance: A signed and detailed summary totaling those expenses and receipts of payments made (must submit receipts of medical expenses paid NOT covered/reimbursed by insurance**)

*If married, include Spouse; dependent students include Parent(s)

**For the income year reported on the FAFSA

NOTE: Additional information/documentation may be requested, depending on your unique situation

Special Circumstances Review Request Form (Student):

Use this form to request a review of a change in the student’s (student and spouse, if married) income/circumstance. Please note: A loss of income sustained only by a dependent student, but not substantially affecting the total combined income of the family (which includes the parent’s income), may have little to no impact on a student's financial aid eligibility.

Special Circumstances Review Request Form (Parent):