Did you know that GateWay is the world's first Community College of Well-being? This week we will be introducing to you the 5C's of Well-being: Care, Character, Contribution, Connection and Career. Learn the science behind the terms and a simple action you can take today to incorporate well-being into your daily life.
Care – taking care of emotional, physical & environmental needs to cultivate conditions for flourishing.
• The Science – Gratitude can improve both physical and psychological health, improve self-esteem and create deeper bonds in our relationships.
• The Action – What are you grateful for? Look for the Gratitude Walls around our campuses this week (Sept. 13-17) and join us in sharing your gratitude. It's good for you!
Character – developing strengths of character that enable us to be and do our best.
• The Science – Research shows that when we are able to use our unique Signature Strengths in our everyday lives, we are 18 times more likely to describe ourselves as flourishing.
• The Action – What are your top five Signature Strengths? Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey for free at www.viacharacter.org/survey. Select from Language menu to take in English or Español.
Contribution – being a part of something bigger than ourselves; finding a purpose for learning and for life.
• The Science – Small acts of kindness towards other people, or larger acts such as volunteering in your local community can give you a sense of purpose and make you feel happier and more satisfied about life
• The Action– Keep your eyes open today to three different ways to perform small acts of kindness. You will make someone's day and you will feel great!
Connection – fostering and maintaining close, positive relationships; a sense of belonging.
• The Science – People who have strong, positive relationships with family, friends and colleagues lead more fulfilling lives and are more likely to set and achieve goals that are important to them.
• The Action – Think of someone you've lost touch with, but who continues to have a meaningful impact on your life. Their example still inspires you and their advice still guides you. Is it a teacher, a mentor or an old friend? Take the time today to reach out and tell them how they've made a difference for you.
Career – making decisions that contribute both to career and life success.
• The Science – Students who choose a career goal that is personally meaningful AND contributes to the greater good are more likely to complete their degrees.
• The Action – Share your career goal with us! Why is it meaningful to you? What positive impact do you hope to make in the world? Use #GeckoGoals with us on Twitter or Instagram.