The sentence “There’s an app for that” has become all too common in today’s highly connected, mobile society. GateWay Community College students can now make that same claim when trying to locate their classrooms, check grades, obtain a book list for class and much more. A new web app launched at the college provides all these services at their fingertips.
The app called “MyGWCC” was created based on an existing web app developed at Phoenix College. The app was then further enhanced to match GateWay’s brand as well as add a new list of benefits that students desired.
“Phoenix College did an amazing job with this app and we wanted to take it to the next level for GateWay’s students,” says Elizabeth Curran, web and design technologies manager. “The app incorporates some of the features suggested when we conducted usability testing and it has a GateWay look as well.”
The redesign was done as a collaboration between Information Technology and Institutional Advancement at GateWay.
“The response we have seen so far has been very encouraging,” says Colen Wilson, web database applications developer. “Students are using the app at great volumes and they are coming back.”
In the two weeks since it was launched, the app has been used by over 1,000 students so far. As the only community college in the Valley to have its own Light Rail stop, the app provides easy access to the upcoming public transportation stops, routes, etc. including the Light Rail.
The app has also been very well received on social media.
“That’s the most helpful new app I’ve heard of in a long time,” said one Facebook user.
The app can provide students with directions to their classroom, provide easy access to all of GateWay’s social media outlets, the calendar of events, campus public safety and much more.
“The app is a mobile responsive web page that allows for it to easily work on any mobile device regardless of platform,” adds Wilson.
The responsiveness of the site allows for the most up-to-date content to be available without the need for update downloads or special coding for Apple and Android browsers. A Maricopa Enterprise ID (MEID) and password is required for all users.
Students can use the app at https://www.gatewaycc.edu/myinfo-web-app.