New Additions to GateWay and Maricopa Skill Center

Thursday, November 20, 2014
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Maricopa Skill Center welcomes new programs over the summer and coming in the spring. A few of the programs will be in partnership with GateWay Community College.

A Massage Therapy certificate program was added to the Beauty and Wellness Department at the Northwest Campus. The first class of students started Sept. 15.

Students spend nine months in the course. After graduation students can apply for their Massage Therapy license.

"It's the career opportunities for massage therapists that are so exciting,” said Michael Tapscott, massage therapy instructor.  “Not only are the employment opportunities growing at twice the average rate, but also massage therapy is becoming mainstream in the medical industry. Graduates can still choose to work in spas and on cruise ships, but they can just as easily work in hospitals or rehab centers.”

While in the program, students receive all the supplies they would need, including a massage table and chair.

In July, MSC added a Microsoft Office Specialist Certification courses for Excel, Word, Powerpoint and Access. Each course is 48 hours of training that prepares the student for the certification exam.

Students participate in online training and practices tests as well as work with instructors to earn their certification.

The certification lets prospective employers know that the certified applicant is prepared to work with Microsoft in the workplace. Students must pre-qualify prior to enrollment. 

Coming this spring are initiatives to help students gain experience while attending school helping them earn as they learn, complete for-credit general education and small business entrepreneurship courses at MSC-Northwest Campus, and start on a pre-vet pathway.

The first initiative is a partnership with Year Up, MSC and GateWay Community College. Year Up is a national program that empowers low-income young adults to go from poverty to professional careers in a single year. GateWay will provide the academic courses and certificates of completion in Computer Information Systems and in Business Operations. MSC is providing space to hold the courses at its Main Campus.

The second initiative is a weekend college where students may take for-credit courses in English, math, communication and more ate MSC-Northwest Campus. Also a small business entrepreneurship certificate will also be available at the campus. All courses are taught by GateWay Community College instructors.

Lastly, GateWay will launch a Pre-Veterinary Pathway that maps to Arizona State University pre-vet program.

The new pathway is part of the college’s STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics) Programs.

The new initiative will create a pathway for students to complete their first two years at a community college before transferring to  ASU’s bachelor’s degree in a pre-veterinary medicine degree. 

This program will differ from veterinary tech programs offered by other colleges in the Maricopa County Community College District. The pre-veterinary program at GateWay will provide students a foundation to pursue a degree in veterinary medicine.

As of Fall 2014, Glendale is home to Arizona’s first Veterinary College at Midwestern University. The new pathway at GateWay will be able to help student start their veterinary education in an affordable way.

For information on these programs, call 602-286-8050 or add MSC’s number.