GateWay Gives
GateWay Gives Employee Giving Campaign
One of the things that makes GateWay so special is that our employees truly care about our students’ success. We are all about Student Success! Our students come to us from different stages of their lives, and with a broad range of needs. But, collectively one of the ways we help make things a little easier for them is through GateWay Gives. Your gifts to GateWay Gives stay on our campus, helping our students with scholarships and support services. They help pay for scholarships, technology and equipment required for many of our trade and medical programs. And, by the way, no gift is too small to make a difference!
Giving Options

Give Online Now
Give Online Now
Make a one-time gift or recurring credit card donation by clicking here.

Employee Payroll Withdrawal Form
Employee Payroll Withdrawal Form
Make a larger gift over time using payroll withdrawal.

New Employees and First Time Donors
New Employees and First Time Donors
Click here to learn about our GateWay Gives employee giving campaign.