English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) - Non-Credit



GateWay Community College is offering non-credit English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes focusing on listening, reading, writing and speaking. The adult English language classes will help with English language skills and require no prior English instruction.

For questions, call Community Education: (602) 286-8090
Email: communityeducation@gatewaycc.edu


Translations are performed by Google Translate, a free online language translation service. Note that translation is automated and text may be translated incorrectly or not at all.

Fall ESOL Classes

In-person icon

ESOL Beginning I/II

Learn basic listening, reading, writing comprehension, pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary development, and conversational skills

Spring 2025 dates coming soon.

Price: $150

In-person icon

ESOL Intermediate / Advance

This course is intended for students who have completed Beginning II or proper placement by the professor.

Spring 2025 dates coming soon.

Price: $150

Enrollment Help

Pasos de Inscripción

  1. Encuentra e inscríbete en tu clase - www.purplepass.com
  2. Utilice el campo de búsqueda y escriba: ESOL
  3. Elige clase y haz click en: Comprar boletos
  4. Haga clic en: Comprar boletos
  5. Introduzca la cantidad (1)
  6. Haz clic en: Añadir al carrito
  7. Complete los datos personales y de facturación y marque la casilla: "He leído y acepto el aviso anterior"
  8. Haga clic en "Confirmar pedido"

Enrollment Steps

  1. Find and enroll in your class - www.purplepass.com
  2. Use the search field and type: ESOL
  3. Choose class and click on: Buy tickets
  4. Click on: Buy tickets
  5. Enter quantity (1)
  6. Click on: Add to cart
  7. Fill out personal and billing info and check the box: "I have read and accept the above notice"
  8. Click "Confirm order"